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Website loading time - optimize website speed

Users want to see websites immediately, without waiting. In Hamburg too.

Website Loading Time
Conversion Rate Ladezeit

Waiting is annoying. Always, everywhere and without exception everyone. Those who have to wait either go on or do not come back. A generally applicable law that applies even more to the Internet. So it is extremely important that websites are "immediately" visible and react to clicks (with the next view) immediately.

Successful websites, i.e. the pages that generate really great sales, are not only placed very well in the search engines. These websites usually have fast loading times! And let's be honest: the best positioning is of little use if we as customers have to wait several seconds before we can see or order something. Annoyed we switch to the competition and order where things go better. As simple as that.

The professionals speak of the conversion rate and mean exactly this user behavior. Stay, click and order !? Or leave the website. In the first scenario, the designers and programmers (almost) did everything right. In the second case, an attempt should be made to achieve a better conversion rate by making corrections in the programming and / or by adapting the design.

The question arises: how quickly should the website load?

Loading Time
User behavior and sales

A review of the 25 most visited German websites with regard to their loading times revealed: In e-commerce, millions of sales often depend on the milliseconds of loading time. Most operators are not aware of this fact and are wasting great potential and above all a lot of money!

Even the giants of the World Wide Web, such as Amazon, Google or Apple, optimize their pages permanently and fight for hundredths of a second.

From this it can be concluded that a faster loading time when building a page stands for a more pleasant user experience and ultimately for the greater success of a website. In addition to the optimal charging time, the different expectations of users make it more difficult. What one user considers to be an imposition is acceptable to the other user and is not noticed by a third user at all. If you want to watch a video, you will expect a longer waiting time from the start than someone who just wants to read something quickly.

TTFB and Analyse

Programmers speak of the PageSpeed and actually mean the user behavior in terms of loading time. The PageSpeed is generally valid and also affects the visitors of your website. You yourself behave in the same way: if the waiting time is too long, you are quickly distracted and try to do other things on the side or you leave the website.

Google therefore included the PageSpeed as a ranking criterion and also differentiates between the loading time on a desktop monitor and the loading time on a mobile device. Programmers are familiar with the problems of PageSpeed and first measure the time from the browser's request (by the visitor's click) to the server's response by the

  • Delivery of the first data packet, briefly called TTFB (Time to first byte).
  • Transfer of the complete HTML page
  • Display of resources (pictures, additional Java scripts, etc.)
  • first interactivity (when is the first button clickable?)

Only when the browser receives the first website data can the information be displayed on the user's screen. Among other things, it is the task of the programmers when creating the website to ensure that this time is kept as short as possible. This is not always easy, because customers' demands are often high. Slider, lots of pictures, moving elements, videos ... The wish list of customers is usually quite long. But especially in terms of loading time, less is clearly more!

Test loading times yourself

Now you want to know how fast your website is loading? Then you should simply have your domain analyzed. Free services are available on the Internet for this. Here are a few examples:

If you are not satisfied with the PageSpeed of your website or have any questions, we are of course at your disposal. Not binding!

☎ 0049 40 88354122